This piercing is more trouble than it's worth! I got my nose pierced about 2 weeks ago, and although it hasn't been giving me any real problems, I'm overly paranoid. The place I went to also pierced my friend's lip and he had to remove it because it was on the verge of infection. My nose has been fine up until last night when a little bump appeared on the side of the piercing. It looks a little red (but the skin around the piercing is still a bit red anyways, since the piercing is relatively fresh) but does not hurt at all. It actually kinda looks like the beginning of a pimple. I've been following the proper regimen to keep it clean- wash it twice a day with warm water and anti-bacterial soap, and every night I cleaned it with sea-salt, as well. I figure it might just be irritated because I was cleaning the inside of my nose yesterday morning. Reading all these horror stories about developing keloids has made me very paranoid. Any ideas?
Raised tissue near nose piercing- keloid?
i had something like that form about a month after mine was pierced...the guy that i went to about it told me to crush up some aspirin and make a paste of it with some water, and put it on there. try to do it as often as you can....i did it at night and let it stay there overnight and then rinsed it off in the morning. it cleared it up pretty quick though
Reply:I've had many keloids - especially on my nose or tragus. It's nothing major, it's just a build up of scar tissue surrounding your piercing. If you get to them early, they are treatable. Essentially all that scar tissue producing cells gets trapped in the bump and you need to increase blood supply to that bump so the scar tissue cells will leave the bump.
What you do is boil hot water, pour a tablespoon of sea salt into a coffee mug. Add your boiling water. Stir. Now take a face cloth and dip it in the water - it will be too hot to hold onto your skin, so hold the cloth above the skin for some "steam treatment". As the water cools off, keep redipping the face cloth and then holding it directly onto your keloid. Keep redipping the facecloth until the water becomes lukewarm (15 minutes about).
You do this twice a day every day until your keloid is gone.
The keloid occurs when you've irritated the piercing, so for the future try not to move it much.
Even if you were to remove your nose ring now, you would still have to deal with the keloid.
Treat your keloid asap. It should clear up in 2-3 days. If it gets worse with the treatments, go to the piercer and ask for help.
Reply:I know what you mean!!! I just got my noise pierced as well. I got it down about a month ago, and everything was fine until a couple days ago. Then i started to get a bump. It almost looked like a pimple. So I didn't think anything about it. I was doing everything I was told to do. Then the bump got a little bigger, and red and disgusting. Like you I started looking around on the net, and saw al the horror stories. I also read about the sea salt treatments, and read about how they didn't work. I did however run across the tea tree oil remedy. I went out to the CVS and got a bottle this morning, (it was in the nail polish aisle). And this morning I put a drop on the bump, and a drop on the bump that had also developed inside my nose. By lunch, the bloody red looking bump had diminished considerably. I cleaned it with saline solution my piercer gave me a couple hours later. Then when I got home from work I put another drop of the oil on it. The bump on the inside of my nose is gone, and the outside bump is gone also. It's just a little red, and looks a little sore, probably from me messing with it when the bump was there.
I don't know if this will work for you or help you. Definately look up the remember on the net, and see what others said about it. But I thought that I might have to take the piercing out, and now, if it continues to heal like it has all day. I might just get to keep it.
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