I got my belly button pierced almost four months ago and it seemed to be doing okay.Sometimes it bled, sometimes it pussed, but I knew it was normal.About a week ago, I noticed what looked like a keloid forming around the top hole.My friend had gotten one on her nose and used tea tree oil on hers and it went away, so I went out and got some.I've been applying it twice a day since then and it's not red or as big anymore.But it's still hard and it's a little crusty.Does this means it's healing? Should I try and remove the crust?Or should I leave it alone and keep applying the oil? PLEASE HELP.
I got a keloid on my belly button...?
Keloids are very rare and happen more often to people with a higher melanin content in their skin (darker skin tones). They also appear immediately after piercing usually, as a result of the direct trauma of the piercing.
More than likely, you have what piercers like to refer to as "the dreaded bump". It usually occurs when you've gotten your piercing caught (either on clothing, countertops, your dog jumped on it, you rolled over and caught your covers on it at night, etc.). Most often, you have no clue what exactly happened.
Go back to your original aftercare routine and keep it clean.
Stop with the tea tree oil - the tea tree oil is drying and is what's causing the crustyness and making it hard.
With going back to the aftercare, you should see a reduction in the bump in a week or so.
Reply:You should take out the piercing because it seems as if a tumor is going to for and it might be cancerous.
Reply:That happened to my navel piercing, too. It eventually goes away, and it definitely has nothing to do with tumors and cancer!!! Don't pick at it or anything because you don't want to infect the skin. It sounds like it's healing because it's hardening up and disappearing. It just takes a long time is all. I think mine was around for almost a year. Keep it clean and it will be fine. By the way, your piercing shouldn't be pussing, that means it's infected. Soak it with more salt water if it's doing that.
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