Saturday, July 24, 2010

Help in piercing problem: Keloid or hypertrophic scar?

I had an eyebrow piercing at the beginning of September 2006. 2-3 weeks ago I noticed a red small bump around the bottom hole. I went to my piercer and she advised me for sea salt soaks for 20 mins each night before sleep on top of regular cleaning. The bump didnt grow but it didn't shrink and today I went back to the piercer and she said it looks like a keloid. I have a few questions since I found too many contradicting advices on the web:

1) What is the difference between a keloid and hyperstrophic scar?

2) My piercer suggested aspirin paste but some people suggested Vitamin E or tea trea oil. Whats better for leaving no (or slight) scarring behind?

3) I want to take out the piercing permanently but I don't know when it would be better to so the damage is minimized to the piercing skin area. I could do it right now and then try the aspirin or oil treatment. Or should I try the treatments with the piercing and take it out after 2 weeks.

Help in piercing problem: Keloid or hypertrophic scar?
I had a similar problem with a cartilage piercing. A few days after I removed the piercing the "bump" went away and it has healed with no scar.

I think that the treatment I gave it helped a lot in that department. I cleaned it twice a day with hydrogen peroxide, I massaged the site firmly and gently 4 to 5 times a day and applied mederma before and after the massage. (If you can't find Mederma you may use vitamin e)

Also, do any of the scars you have ever gotton appear raised or discolored? If not, the chances of it being a keloid is quite small.

Good luck!! And yes, take the piercing out before treatment. Sometimes they will heal leaving the piercing and sometimes they have to be repierced. Good luck!

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