Saturday, July 24, 2010

Keloid question?

Is it possible that an infected piercing can swell up and look like a keloid? How do i tell the difference?

Keloid question?
Keloids are more common in blacks, and yes it is very possible to get keloids from ear piercing in fact it is kinda common. I dont think you could confuse it with a swelling though. Keloid looks like an outgrowth from your ear.

Reply:you have to give it time but make sure you are applying anti-biotic ointment to reduce scarring. good luck.
Reply:An infection will likely be hot, red and painful. a keloid will be none of those.

People who develop keloids are likely to continue to do so and might want to limit traum to the skin
Reply:yes, that is very possible. that is one of the risks of lip piercing. a keloid is a raised growth of fibrous scar tissue. Keloids are thick, smooth areas of pink scar tissue.

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