Ok so i got the industrial piercing in july so for 2 months now and i noticed a little bump on the back of my bottom hole. it looks like a pimple but if im correct thats how a "keloid" first develops. im getting worried bc i've seen pictures of keloids and i hope it doesnt turn out to be like that. i was wondering if i should take out the piercing and leave it out..i clean it once a day now so should i clean it more often? is there anything i can do to get rid of the bump? any professional piercers out there who can answer this??
Keloid by piercing (professional piercers please answer)?
What is Keloid scarring?
Keloid scarring is often recognized as a unsightly raised cyst or blood blister surrounding one or both openings of a piercing. Keloid scars form when the skin granulates from irritation, much in the same way an oyster forms a pearl. The body goes into overdrive and starts to heal over the source of irritation, adding to the layers of tissue. Keloid scars generally form when the piercing is irritated through movement and/or banging or knocking of the piercing. This includes playing with the piercing. These scars may form on any piercing and is fairly common amongst navel piercings, considering constant movement and the friction caused by clothing. Scars may form due to inadequate jewelry size and/or inferior quality. Jewelry may either be to small or large for the piercing. High quality well manufactured jewelry should always be worn in a piericng. These pieces are generally more expensive, but remember, you get what you pay for. Improper aftercare products are also a contributing factor in the cause of keloid scarring. Mouthwash containing alcohol such as Listerine can cause keloid scarring in oral piercings.
Keloids may form even when an individual has maintained and properly cared for a piercing. Please take into consideration that a source of irritation causes a keloid to form. Do not get discouraged!
Caring for a Keloid scarring
It is imperative that the piercing is properly maintained. Sea salt soaks are recommended to facilitate and drain the piercing. The soaks resemble the body's natural saline, and are very gentle and soothing. The single most recommended course of action is to try and filter out any source of irritation causing trauma to the area. Wear lower waist clothing for navel piercings and mind the brush and comb for facial piercings. Changing the style and/or size of the jewelry may help to remedy the problem. remember not to play with the piercing.
Reply:The best thing to do is clean once and leave it alone. Theres is nothing you can really do about them as soon as its there. It can get bigger, stay the same or just go away altogether it really depends on the person.
Reply:Leave it in, clean it twice a day with sea salt soaks, and try not to sleep on it.
Reply:If you want a professional go see one. Describing something on the net does no good because people can say whatever they want. I have five piercings including an industrial but I still always advice and go see a pro when I am having a problem. My piercer has always told me to not stop cleaning a piercing twice a day, morning and night. In the morning it has built up bacteria from over night and at night from during the day. I clean all of mine at least twice a day, more if they are bothering me that day. So call or better yet swing by a piercing parlor and simply ask them to take a look at it. They have the training and without seeing it to know what is going on nothing can be done for sure. Clean it more though, it's still really new and should be cleaned better. Good luck with it, I love mine!
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