Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do you deal with your keloid scar?!?

this is how it all started...about 5 years ago, a hair randomly appeared below my neck on my chest. i decided to pluck the hair out,,guess it was a bad idea because i now have a keloid scar.. at least i think it is because some doctors have told me its a keloid and others have said its a cyst because sometimes it gets infected and fills up with puss. Anyway, does anyone have a similar condition? and if so ..how do you deal with the comments people give you? people ask about it all the time and its rly annoying because sometimes you can see it on their face that they're digusted by it! and lucky me it turned out to be in a very visible place right on my chest i try to wear turtle next but in summer it becomes very hot! i guess im looking for support..and remedies if anyone has some.

How do you deal with your keloid scar?!?
I have 2 actual keloids, and 3 of these "other" things... this month I finally said something to my doc during a regular visit. He told me they're clogged oil glands, and they're ok as long as they don't bother me. He said if I want them removed, it's just a simple office visit. I think I'm just trying to get the cahones to tell him I want 2 of them removed- I have one on the side of my neck and one on my shoulder. I've found that the longer you leave them alone, the less noticeable they are (less irritation).
Reply:use a lotion with cocoa in it, thats what i do and it helps alot :)

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