Friday, August 20, 2010

It started like a pimple, now a keloid... PLEASE HELP!!!!?

About two months ago I got in my face, what seemed to be a pimple. Then it begun to look like a keloid (about little more than 1/4). It kept bleeding and a clear-sticky liquid came out of it.

Then it got this crusted layer, which I though that it was because it was healing. Today, I accidently removed the crusted thing. And found, white puss inside. It began to bleed and sticky liquid came out again?



I already made a doct. apt., but they did not give it to me until the 5th of sept.

It started like a pimple, now a keloid... PLEASE HELP!!!!?
I used to work at a clinic and saw cases like this and many times it turned out to be a staph infection. If you are really worried, you can go to the er or an urgent care walk-in clinic. I am not a medical professional, but it could be contagious, so I would have it looked at as soon as possible
Reply:If there is puss inside the blemish is possibly infected. Your options will be a choice between your Doctors' medicine or a natural alternative that will fight the infection. I like to do the best of both worlds. Personally, after my Doctor has diagnosed the problem, I see what I can do naturally to alleviate that problem. My personal choice for natural skin care that kills the bacteria in acne is the Key Relief by Jeune Peau. I say this all the time because I am so convinced about it's effectiveness and have read all the other people's testimonies on the web site . Take a look for yourself, there is alot of information there.
Reply:Sounds like Impetigo which is a bacterial infection (a kind of Staph). They will give you an antibiotic ointment to take care of it. Try not to share towels or washcloths with anyone else till it's gone.
Reply:you may want to say you think that it maybe a staph infection. my husband had the same problem. your symtoms sound the same. if so, you need to be seen now, not later. good luck!

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