Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is it safe to pierce ontop of a keloid?

Well being a dumb impatient teen I decided that I couldnt wait to find a good piercing parlor so I pierced my navel my self with a straight pin. *blush* yes I know a idiot. Anyways after I did it I was like what in the hell have I done, this probably isnt safe and will get infected. So I took it out the next day and a keloid formed over the spot...

that was almost a year ago, and I've finally found a place that I'm gonna check out tommorow. But before I go, I was wondering if it's safe to pierce over the keloid scar? Its not thick, it looks like a very light mole on both ends of where the skin was pierced.

Anyways if anyone can tell me if its safe or not I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Is it safe to pierce ontop of a keloid?
well, first of all Leeza is completely stupid, don't even listen to her.

second, you do not have a keloid scar. I am a sufferer, and a "light mole" is just a regular old scar. Keloids are huge, red, and keep growing forever!.

You should be absolutely fine to pierce over a regular scar, kid.
Reply:I wouldn't reccomend it because if you got this keloid, you probably have keloid skin %26amp; it will happen again.

But check with your doctor %26amp; get it professionally done.
Reply:gotcha is correct if you are prone to keloids you will just make it worse by doing it again. so im sorry but you wont be able to get your belly button pierced with out that happening
Reply:it is not unsafe to pierce over a keloid scar, a keloid is formed due to excessive deposition of collagen the skin is thick in this region so piercing thro a keloid may be difficult, if u are successful in getting pierced thro a keloid scar take care of infection. since, you are prone to get keloids even if u pierce thro normal skin there are chances that u may still get it.
Reply:Go to a doctor and ask, and ask your piercers opinion.
Reply:But is it really allowed in islam to pierce your naval???

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