Monday, November 21, 2011

I have a small keloid on my left ear?

How can the doctors remove it? How much would it cost to remove it? It's hard and black; it's been on my ears for over 3 years now; the only reason why I couldn't get it remove was because I didn't have the money or I wasn't on any health insurance.

I have a small keloid on my left ear?
More than likely it can be removed. I work for a group of surgeons who do these types of things all the time. As for the cost, you are gonna have to see a doctor to determine that (and that consult will cost you too!) It depends on how big it is, and if there is any reconstruction needed (skin graft)...the type of anesthesia that is used, and where it is, surgery center, hospital.
Reply:go get a romulian. those guys fight all the time
Reply:I don't know if they will remove it, a keloid is usually cause by scar tissue, they can however inject it with steroids to make the appearance better....

You should see a dermatologist for that...
Reply:A lot of times it can be removed in a doctor's office. The area is deadened, and an incision is made to "pop" the keloid out. The area is then sutured, and the lesion is usually sent to pathology to make sure that's really what it is. Sutures are removed in about 5 days. The cost will be around $400-500, which includes pathology charges.

Hope this helps!

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