Monday, November 21, 2011

HOw to get rid of a keloid on my nose piercing?

You may not have a keloid.

Most people think that they have a keloid, but its really a blister, or just scar tissue.

What you should do, is start doing sea salt soaks.

1.Wash your hands with an anti-Bacterial or antimicrobial liquid Soap/Wash.

2.Use a disposable cup to mix your sea salt solution. Or clean your cup very well with the anti-bacterial soap.

3.Mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt to 8 oz of warm water. (Distilled water if possible)

4.Fully saturate a clean paper towel in the solution and hold the paper towel on your piercing for 10 minuites a day once daily for a week. Only do this to the outside of your piercing.Dont use cotton balls or q-tips. Small cotton fibres can get wraped around the jewlery and get inside the piercing, causeing irritation.

This should help drain the bump, and it should go down. If it dosent go away in a week, increase your sea salt soaks to twice daily and increase your amount of sea salt to 1/2 a teaspoon to 8 oz. Its very important that you measure.

Other tips...

Dont use washcloths, sponges or loofas.

Dont rotate twist or turn the piercing. It forces crust back in the hole.

Be careful not to get it snagges on things.

Dont put makeup on it.

Dont use exfoliating creams near the piercing.

If your unsure about where you got pierced, you could be

If your worried..Its always best to see a doctor, to rule out problems.

Dont use peroxide

Dont use alcohol..alcohol is not supposed to go inside puncture wounds, a piercing is a puncture can be toxic to your liver and cause abnormal scar formation.The last thing you want is a bad scar on your nose.

If this dosent work, or you are sure that you have a keloid, you have to get it removed by a doctor.

HOw to get rid of a keloid on my nose piercing?
i have a friend and she had them on her ears she had to get it lasered off. so that may be the only way, go to a doctor and see what they say.
Reply:I'm no surgeon, but I don't think you can. If you cut it again, it will just keep building more scar tissue. Didn't you know you were prone to the development of keloids before you did it?
Reply:take a .9mm gun and blast it off =). be careful not to shoot ur nose off tho!
Reply:go to a dermatologist
Reply:I did my own keloids using triamcinolone acetonide injected directly into the lesion with a diabetic needle. I had to do them about 4 or 5 times about 2-3 months apart but the results are fantastic.Don't try it unless you are good with your hands - better still ask your doc to do it for you.

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